Generational Wealth

Generational Wealth

Gain control of your finances!

What is SAFE?

SAFE stands for Student Academy for Financial Empowerment. SAFE’s aim is to help postsecondary learners craft actionable strategies to reduce debt and graduate.

These strategies include:
Creating goals:  students will learn how to develop short, intermediate, and long-term goals, and learn the about the tools to attain these goals, such as banking and budgeting.

Understanding income and taxes: students will explore opportunities for current and future income potential, learn about financial responsibilities and the tax system

Learning about credit, loans, and debt: students will learn the importance of maintaining strong credit, and how to find and monitor their own credit report and score. This also covers different loan types, and how these loans play a role in large purchase planning.

Protecting yourself: students learn the major types of insurance and review current and possible future insurance needs.

Savings and retirement: Students learn about compound interest and its effect on savings and retirement planning, as well as how to develop a retirement plan.

Youth Financial Foundations

Geared to middle and high school learners, Youth Financial Foundations covers 30 key personal finance topics, including budgeting, understanding credit and credit scores, investing in the future, financial protections to help safeguard your finances, and spending within your budget. For more information visit: Financial Beginnings Oregon.

To learn more about NAYA’s Generational Wealth Program contact:
503.188.8177, ext 390

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