

Check the NAYA events calendar for other upcoming orientation and workshops.


Owning your own home can move from a dream to a reality—and NAYA can help. Our Homeownership Program provides culturally specific homeownership coaching, education, and programming that will help you plan to buy, and plan to keep, your home. Our program works to increase homeownership opportunities for Portland’s urban Native community and close the Native homeownership gap. All of our services are free and we are an equal housing opportunity provider.

Please take a moment to view “Sharing Our Stories of Home”, a four-minute video in which NAYA Family Center community elders share their desire for younger generations to pursue homeownership.

Thank you to the elders, Portland Youth and Elders Council, NeighborWorks and NAYA staff. We want to thank Wisdom of the Elders for the filming and editing of the video. The project funding came from the Minority Homeownership Assistance Collaborative and the Portland Housing Bureau.

The Homeownership Program is supported by the Portland Housing Bureau, Oregon Housing And Community Services, and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

NAYA is a HUD-approved counseling agency. The Homeownership Program offers an orientation to learn about all of our services. Please click here for more information about the orientation.

Interested? Access the Homeownership Program Interest Form here.