Categoriy Archives: Community Stories
January 2, 2023 5:36 pm
Published by annt
Return to Community NAYA serves a large and diverse Native American community–60,000 people representing more than 380 tribes. Each member of our community has a unique pathway to thrive and prosper, and NAYA is dedicated to be in service to all. Here’s a look back at some of our acheivements of the past year: View Article >
December 27, 2022 2:49 pm
Published by annt
Ribbon Cutting celebrates NAYA’s third affordable housing development in Cully neighborhood The opening of Hayu Tilixam, meaning “Many Nations” in the Chinook language, was celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony last month. The third time Community Development Partners (CDP) and NAYA have partnered to provide housing in the Cully neighborhood, Hayu Tilixam offers 50 affordableView Article >
In 2018, a coalition of community-based partners in the Cully neighborhood approached Prosper Portland to explore the idea of creating a community-centered Tax Increment Finance (TIF) district that could lead to a new TIF model that centers historically underserved and underrepresented community voices in the design and decision-making process. Native American Youth and FamilyView Article >
October 31, 2022 2:45 pm
Published by annt
During National Native American Heritage Month we honor the gifts of our ancestors and celebrate our rich diverse cultures, traditions, and histories, while raising awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which Native Americans have worked to rise above these challenges. At NAYA,View Article >
October 2, 2022 3:12 pm
Published by annt
As part of Portland City Council’s approval of clean energy grants this spring, NAYA Family Center is receiving a $3.69 million, 5-year grant from the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund for renewable agriculture and green infrastructure. This significant infusion of funds will help NAYA realize its vision of creating a productive and welcoming spaceView Article >
August 30, 2022 2:19 pm
Published by annt
The start of the school year for NAYA’s Many Nations Academy (MNA) is just around the corner, and we could not be more excited to welcome back returning students and to extend the invitation to new students! The school’s mission to promote inclusion, tolerance, and acceptance of all has attracted families and students from acrossView Article >
With the rising cost of living, the idea of pursuing higher education can seem even more out of reach for many of our students. Having enough to cover tuition and expenses can prevent prospective students from taking that important step of going to college. With the community’s help, our students can realize their college andView Article >
In an evening full of excitement, on June 10, six seniors walked across the stage to receive their diplomas at the Many Nations Academy (MNA) graduation ceremony. Congratulations, Class of 2022! Families, teachers and NAYA staff gathered to mark the special occasion, and we can’t say it enough—the community is so proud of these youth,View Article >
June is traditionally the time of year when we mark the milestone of graduation. From kindergarten through advanced degrees, we celebrate the academic achievements of our students of all ages and look to their brighter futures. Since its inception in 2007, more than 100 seniors have graduated from our alternative high school, the Many NationsView Article >
An integral part of NAYA’s Foster Care Services is helping youth stay connected to their culture while in care. Indigenous youth are deserving of a sense of belonging, and our programs aim to firmly establish feelings of self-worth. May is Foster Care Awareness Month, so it’s the perfect time to highlight our culturally appropriate individual-View Article >