Categoriy Archives: NAYA In The News
In a decision that could potentially unravel three years of partnership and planning, Portland Public Schools’ Board of Directors at Tuesday night’s meeting failed to support Generations. The final decision to delay was over PPS’ contribution of $70,000 to the project. Generations is a NAYA-led intervention to stabilize the lives of Native American youth and familiesView Article >
On Monday afternoon, NAYA was the host to the kickoff of Communities of Color United for Marriage, a group of 16 community-based organizations working together in support of the freedom to marry. NAYA’s Board of Directors unanimously voted to endorse marriage equality in October 2013. Candi Brings Plenty, Community Health Advocate, Two Spirit, and mother of two beautiful daughters,View Article >
Multnomah County Chair Marissa Madrigal requested community member and NAYA Youth and Education Specialist Carlos McNair, Klamath and Modoc, to perform an honor song during Friday’s State of the County address. Her invitation of a Native performer to the event is an important moment in raising awareness of our community. Chair Madrigal’s speech began withView Article >
New graduation numbers show a 15 point gain in the graduation rate for Native American students who attend Portland Public Schools. While substantial, and cause for celebration, the graduation rate remains below 50% for Native American youth, demonstrating the need to do more. NAYA has been working in partnership with Portland Public Schools for moreView Article >
2014 is the 40th year that NAYA has been providing services to the vibrant and growing Native American, Alaska Native and First Nations community of Portland. We’re a more than 40,000 strong population of Indigenous people from all walks of life, and nearly 380 tribes. NAYA has grown substantially over the last 40 years, andView Article >
We are proud to add Governor John Kitzhaber to the growing list of supporters of NAYA’s Generations, a community housing and services project NAYA is developing in Southeast Portland. Kitzhaber noted that the development, “can demonstrate how integrating multiple services and resources will produce long-term benefits.” Generations will bring community members together to create permanent familiesView Article >
Comcast PSA 2013 from NAYA on Vimeo. NAYA Family Center is working to increase the profile of Native Americans in the Portland area. At the 10th Annual NAYA Gala on November 15th, Executive Director Matthew Morton debuted a public service announcement created through a partnership with Comcast, the Potlatch sponsor for the evening. Morton introducedView Article >
The Minority Homeownership Assistance Collaborative, of which NAYA is a part, are the recipients of a $100,000 grant from Wells Fargo to support the work of helping increase homeownership in minority communities. Each organization in the Collaborative receives $20,000 to support their efforts at foreclosure prevention, homeowner counseling and preparedness education, financial literacy and more.View Article >
It was announced today that the NAYA Board of Directors, at their recent meeting, unanimously voted to support the Oregon United for Marriage campaign, which is currently gathering signatures in an attempt to amend the Oregon Constitution to allow all loving couples the freedom to marry regardless of sex or orientation. The measure is expectedView Article >
NAYA’s 4th Annual Neerchokikoo Powwow was featured in a photo essay on the Oregonian’s website on Sunday. The well-attended cultural event featured Grand Entry at 12:00pm and 7:00pm with Bulls and Bears, drumming from Four Directions, local and regional dancing from a diverse array of tribes, and a dinner of buffalo stew and cornbread providedView Article >