Author Archives: annt
October 2, 2022 3:12 pm
Published by annt
As part of Portland City Council’s approval of clean energy grants this spring, NAYA Family Center is receiving a $3.69 million, 5-year grant from the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund for renewable agriculture and green infrastructure. This significant infusion of funds will help NAYA realize its vision of creating a productive and welcoming spaceView Article >
August 30, 2022 2:19 pm
Published by annt
The start of the school year for NAYA’s Many Nations Academy (MNA) is just around the corner, and we could not be more excited to welcome back returning students and to extend the invitation to new students! The school’s mission to promote inclusion, tolerance, and acceptance of all has attracted families and students from acrossView Article >
June 3, 2020 4:40 pm
Published by annt
Last night, Portland witnessed a historic demonstration of unity as 10,000 people came together to peacefully protest against injustice. The Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA) stands in unwavering solidarity with our relatives in the Black community whose grief, frustration, mourning, and justifiable outrage is at the heart of these demonstrations. The systems ofView Article >
November 20, 2018 1:32 pm
Published by annt
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Siletz Tribe, Native American Organizations Partner on Historic Affordable Housing Project in Portland PORTLAND, ORE. (Nov. 16, 2018) – A collaboration between the Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA), the Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest (NARA NW), Community Development Partners, and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians will createView Article >
October 18, 2018 9:46 am
Published by annt
As an Urban Native community, one of the most powerful things we can do this fall is turn out to vote. In a time when voting is being challenged in many areas of the country, we are fortunate in Oregon to have the Oregon Motor Voter Act automatically register voters, and a mail-in ballot process.View Article >
October 1, 2018 7:42 am
Published by annt
“Some reports say that the word, Powwow, has its origin from the Pawnee word, pa-wa, meaning, “to eat.” Other sources say the word is of Algonquin origin and was originally pronounced pauau, which indicates a gathering of people for the purpose of celebration or an important event. In any case, it is a special timeView Article >