TANF Advocacy Training in preparation for NAYA’s Legislative Day of Action
On the evening of Tuesday, January 22nd NAYA hosted a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Advocacy Training- a collaboration with Urban League Black Parent Initiative and Central City Concern. The purpose of this training was to inform community of possible ways to present their concerns and advocate for programs and bills at the legislative level. This training came at a critical time as it is estimated that in 2017-2018 over 200,000 individuals statewide, most coming from communities of color, will lose TANF assistance due to proposed budget cuts.
This training was held in response to community members expressing their feelings of confusion and intimidation when trying to understanding where to begin, how to make an appointment, or what exactly to say to representatives. Community members left with increased confidence and on Saturday, February 11th a parent showed up ready to provide testimony at the TANF program at a Town Hall Budget Hearing. Before attending the training, she wasn’t aware that the public is welcome to these hearings, and anyone could sign up to speak to representatives to express the needs of their community.
This new advocacy program has enhanced the ability for community to step up and become advocates for changes. Kristen Bell, Northern Arapaho, Community Health Worker at NAYA, is coordinating this Advocacy group specifically for TANF testimony and recommendations. Kristen is working with and supporting community’s ability to inform State legislators about the importance of the TANF program, the positive impacts it has had for families and the negative impacts it will have if cuts are made to this program.
On February 23rd NAYA will be traveling to the state capital in Salem as a group for our first Legislative Day of Action! We will be speaking to our representatives about the following topics:
- Incentivize Coordinated Care Organizations to fund Traditional Health Workers based in Culturally Specific Community Organizations
- Mandate Culturally appropriate and accurate Oregon First Peoples’ curriculum in Oregon’s K-12 schools
- Provide greater tenant protections
- Fund Comprehensive transportation improvements
- Fund the promises of Measure 98
If you’re interested or want to know more information please feel free to contact Kristen Bell 503-288-8177 X308 or fill out this registration form by Tuesday February 21st: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdBosnpQ0A_vBT1rlsL3NCi77TahzPrWorPvOHg5W0N3tiihg/viewform