Policy & Advocacy

Policy & Advocacy

NAYA’s policy efforts include engagement in city, county, and state-wide campaigns in both Oregon and Washington to address affordable housing/houselessness, economic development, health, and environmental issues in our community.

NAYA 2023 Oregon and Washington Legislative Agenda

Over the past several months, NAYA Family Center and the NAYA Action Fund, NAYA’s 501(c)(4), have worked diligently with community, partners, legislators, and coalition members to help inform our agenda for the 2023 legislative session.

We are pleased to share an ambitious legislative agenda for 2023. Both sessions will include a focus on housing, homelessness and behavioral health–two areas that are underdeveloped in both Oregon and Washington. Safeguarding protections, increasing prosperity, and opportunities for our community are also included.



  • Indigenous Languages (SB 612)
  • Allows for Same Day Voter Registration (HJR 4)

Economic Development and Prosperity 

  • Guaranteeing Right to Vote (SB 579)
  • Car Insurance Eligibility (HB 2920)
  • Car Financing (HB 2801)
  • Non-Profit Modernization Act (SB 606)
  • Minimum Wage Rates (HB 2699)
  • Individual Development Account – $35M (POP 117)
  • Housing Assistance Fund (SB 603)
  • Oregon Kids’ Credit (HB 2811)

Housing and Homelessness 

  • Related to Rental Limitations (SB 611)
  • Companion Bill (HB 2733)
  • LIFT – $200M in Bonds (POP 105)
  • Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)- (POP 104)
  • Affordable Housing Preservation Package (POP 107)
  • Co-Location of Early Learning and Housing (POP 114) (SB 599)
  • Land Acquisition Program (POP 111)
  • Affordable Homeownership Development Program (POP 109)
  • Emergency Housing Assistance (HB 2456)
  • Appropriations for Youth Homelessness (HB 2454)
  • Rental Screening Fees (HB 2680)
  • Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform (HB 3010)

Family Welfare

Health and Environment 

  • NAYA Campus Request
  • Affinity Group Taskforces (HB 2925)
  • Mobile Health Units (HB 2918)
  • Emergency Medical Services (SB 60)
  • Medical Services for AI/AN (HB 2286)
  • Community Education Workers (HB 2993)
  • Universal Health Care (SB 704)
  • NO on M110 Repeal (HB 2973)




  • $575 M- Education
  • $1.8B- Higher Education
  • Access to Voting in Jails (HB 1174)
  • Multilingual Language Retention (HB 1228)

Economic Development and Prosperity 

  • Gov. Inslee Employee Compensation Agreement
  • Contracting with Community Organizations (HB 1086)

Housing and Homelessness

  • $70B for Affordable Housing and Homelessness
  • Housing Supply (HB 1046)
  • Addressing Homelessness (SB 5016)
  • Rental of Low-Income Housing Units (SB 5045)
  • Registration of Rental Housing (SB 5060)
  • Protecting Tenants (HB 1124)

Family Welfare

Health and Environment 

  • $700M – Access to Behavioral Health (HB 1134)
  • $1.8B – Climate Preservation
  • $157M for Salmon Protections (HB 1076)
  • Solitary Confinement (HB 1087)
  • Companion Bill (SB 5135)
  • Reproductive Freedom (SJR 8202)

For more detail see the 2023 Legislative Agenda here.

Community Advocacy

NAYA’s policy and advocacy team wants to help you to be more involved in decisions that directly impact the Native American and Alaska Native community. We do this through a variety of engagement efforts throughout the year. We provide a list of endorsed measures that have gone through an extensive approval process. This process includes the policy team providing research and materials on how it will directly impact the Native American and Alaska Native community. Community members will have an opportunity each legislative cycle to provide testimony on the above endorsements.

NAYA’s Advocacy Team is available to support you in making your decisions and any questions you may have about the election.