Thank you so much for thinking of us when you are looking to donate! Below are lists of items we are accepting. If you would like to make an in-kind donation to one of our programs, please contact the program manager listed to confirm that they still have capacity to accept these items.
All donation drop-offs must be arranged in advance with a program manager.
NAYA’s Food Program
- New reusable grocery bags
- Face masks
- Disinfecting wipes
- Salmon
- Elk
- Deer
- Buffalo
- Wild rice
- Packaged cookies and treats to send out to families
- Non-expired pantry food: i.e. rice, pasta, soup, beans, canned meats, etc.
Housing and Energy Services
- Diapers
- Toiletries
- Household items
- New bedding
- Winter coats
- School supplies
- Electronics
Early Childhood Program
- Diapers
- Pull-Ups
- Baby wipes
- Cradleboards
- Culturally diverse books
Recreation and Health Program
Due to health and safety concerns, we would like to only receive new items at this time.
- Basketballs
- Footballs
- Volleyballs
- Bats and Baseballs
- Yoga mats, blocks, straps and blankets
- kneepads
- sweatpants
- sweatshirts
- Small weight sets
- Exercise bands
Cultural Arts Program
Due to health and safety concerns, we would like to only receive new items at this time.
- Felt
- Skeins of wool yarn
- skeins of brightly colored acrylic yarn
- Leather cording
- Leather hides (from 2×2 feet to full hides)
- Leather needles
- embroidery thread
- parfleche
- acrylic paint (all colors)
- Bead hanks (sizes 6, 8, 11 in all colors and finishes)
- hot glue gun with glue sticks
- glitter
- colored paper packs
- notecards and envelopes
- Outdoor Heat Lamps (restaurant sized)