Tag Archive: students
May 4, 2021 5:10 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
March 29, 2021 6:48 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
March 29, 2021 6:47 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
March 2, 2021 8:52 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
March 2, 2021 8:56 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
March 2, 2021 8:51 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
January 29, 2021 8:11 pm
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
January 28, 2021 12:55 am
Published by nadams
The Portland Metro Native Student Union meets today at 2 pm. High school students, this is your space! The union has various offerings: a movement section, games, guest speakers/presentations, resource sharing, and more. And PRIZES. Come check it out and see what’s offered. Zoom link: http://ow.ly/88tx50DaNaQ Passcode: PMNSU
May 3, 2020 4:16 pm
Published by nadams
Youth & Elders Honoring Date Change: Celebrate your youth on June 10, 2020. This event acknowledges ALL educational achievements for early head start through college graduates. The registration link is also how we will know who needs graduation stoles (graduating high school seniors and those completing a college degree of any sort: bit.ly/YEH2020 SendView Article >