NAYA 2021 year in review

NAYA 2021 year in review

Stronger Together

Watch our year-in-review video here. 

Another year in the pandemic, and we continue to deliver the high impact services our community needs, adding much-needed capacity across all departments to support our youth, families, and elders. We are honored and grateful to be in service to our community!

While our campus has remained closed to the public since March 2020, we have been able to offer some hybrid, socially distanced services. Our Many Nations Academy welcomed students back to limited, in person learning in April, opening fully in September. And yes, because we all want to get back to campus—to be in community with our friends, colleagues, families, and clients–we remain vigilant and planful. 

Through the stress and challenges of the pandemic we have also been attending to our staff’s needs, as we know that they are the heart of NAYA and that NAYA remains vital if its heart remains strong. “NAYA is here for you” includes everyone.

And through the stress and challenges of the pandemic, you have been here. You, our partners, donors, and supporters who donated deeply this year. You have remained vigilant alongside us—the businesses that sent us the proceeds from their events and sales, our many friends who celebrated their birthdays with fundraisers for our community, the neighborhoods who provided food and gifts for our youth and families. We could not do this with you!

We are indeed stronger together. You united around NAYA to offer your help—from volunteers who pitched in to winterize and make improvements in our community garden, to monthly vaccination clinics focused on keeping folks healthy; from our partners who provided financial resources to help our community members stay safely in their homes and keep their businesses solvent, to our partners and sponsors who helped make this year’s Gala an amazing success. We are humbled and grateful for your generosity.

We hope you will enjoy this retrospective video to see what we achieved together in 2021.

Your partnership and support are critical to our work. Can we count on you to help us start 2022 strong? Please consider making a donation here.