NAYA Center to remain closed until further notice

NAYA Center to remain closed until further notice

May 26, 2020

Dear Community,

We send you good thoughts and prayers of support from the staff of NAYA. Looking at the headlines, it’s understandable how you could be confused about the status of reopening in Portland, and how that impacts NAYA’s programs and services.

So we wanted to share this update with you.

The NAYA COVID-19 Task Force met recently to:

  • Assess how services and operations are going
  • Express how much we miss our community
  • Affirm that the NAYA Family Center needs to remain closed for the foreseeable future

During past visits to the center, you might have noticed NAYA’s organizational values posted throughout the center. These values are embedded in everything we do.

During the task force meeting, our core value of “accountability” kept coming up. NAYA’s decision to remained closed is based on our confidence in science, adherence to state and local guidelines, and in our belief that we are accountable to each other.

We are accountable to protect our elders and most vulnerable. We are accountable to be responsible members of the community. We are accountable to those frontline workers who continue to put themselves at risk for us.

The good news is that social distancing and quarantine measures are working. Modeling has shown that 70,000 people have been spared from infection from our collective action to stay home and stay healthy.

We want you to know that we continue to think innovatively about how we can expand and improve our services to you in a safe and responsible way. In the meantime, we are practicing strict safety measures on-site for our essential staff.

NAYA is not going anywhere. NAYA is here for you. We will continue to be here for you throughout this unprecedented time.

And when it is deemed safe to open again, NAYA will still be here for you.

As always, we encourage you combat misinformation on COVID-19 by referring to the following public health agencies:

Multnomah County Health Department
Oregon Health Authority
Centers for Disease Control 
Oregon Department of Education Communicable Disease Guidance

You may also sign up for daily email updates from OHA here:

Thank you.