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4th Annual DV in BIPOC Communities
October 24, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This multifaceted event will center the conversation around decolonizing domestic violence practice and promote community healing in Indigenous, Black, and communities of color.
Draft Program Schedule*:
9:00-9:30 Breakfast & Networking, community resource tables
9:30 -9:45 Opening Ceremony: Prayer & Drumming Circle
9:45-10 Welcome
10:15-10:30 Keynote Speaker: Desiree Coyote
10:45-12:15 Workshops (3 happening simultaneously):
- Internalized racism and how it shows up in DV Work (BIPOC only space)
- Dismantling Racism in DV Work (open to all)
- Engaging Men in Ending Gender-Based Violence (open to all)
12:15- 1:15 Lunch (catered by La Popular)
1:15-2:45 Panel/Presentations on Decolonizing & Institutionalizing Racial Equity in DV work: Representative Tawna Sanchez; Dr. Anjabeen Ashraf
3-4:30 Community Healing: Vanessa Timmons
4:30-4:45 Closing remarks: Call to action, thank you to sponsors, etc
4:45 : Music by Bajo Salario
*Schedule is still under revision*
This event is FREE, and we invite your donations to help us keep this event going strong into the future.
Registration is not required, but is strongly encouraged so we can prepare accordingly!
For questions and inquiries, including those regarding accessibility needs, please contact Dara Snyder at daras@ywcapdx.org or (503) 294-7395.
If the lack of child care is a barrier for your participation, please contact Karla Juarez at KJuarez@elprograma.org or 971-302-9892.
Si usted necesita traducción en español, por favor dejenos saber. Envie un correo electronico a Veronica Ericksen a veronica.l.ericksen@multco.us o por telefono:
503-988-7255 (oficina)
If you’re having trouble viewing the ticket form below on your browser, please email your full name, phone number and additional donation level (if applicable) to sjp@ywcapdx.org and we’ll register you!