Tag Archive: Future Generations Collaborative

Virtual Baby Shower

The FGC has a virtual community baby shower that is going to be held on Sept. 19th. From 2 to 4pm. If you have a brand new baby or are expecting, please join us! Contact Chenoa Landry (chenoa@nativewellness.com) or Natalyn Begay natalynb@nayapdx.org to sign up! The community is welcome. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87583520978?pwd=OVQwYkVXSStRZVo2YXkvRUtyUUQ5QT09 Meeting ID: 875 83520978 Passcode: 693529

Community Support Circles

In this time of COVID-19, individuals and families have found themselves abruptly changing schedules, jobs, roles, income and so much more. To help our community cope and manage in a good way, the Future Generations Collaborative is offering once-a-week support circles via Zoom. Please join in to connect to others, share, vent, offer words ofView Article >