NAYA’s LEAD Program Welcomes 10th Cohort
A decade ago, NAYA embarked on a journey to build a stronger network of Native leaders through an initiative called the Oregon LEAD Program. A nationwide effort developed by a coalition of nonprofits and the First Nations Development Institute, LEAD (Leadership and Entrepreneurial Apprenticeship Development) works to build cross-cultural empowerment and leadership.
In 2012, Oregon LEAD merged with the Coalition of Communities of Color Bridges Initiative, which includes six culturally specific leadership development programs. Through a culturally grounded strength-based curriculum, LEAD cultivates and nurtures emerging leaders to address the root causes of our community’s disparities.
We are delighted to have great diversity in this cohort’s tribal affiliation, geographic representation and experience.
2017-18 cohort members:
- Evelyn Aguilar, Warm Springs
- Rachel Black Elk, Lakota/Lumbee (Enrolled Rosebud Sioux)
- Jennie Brixey, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Potawatomi, Tolowa
- Allen Buck, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma
- Charlene Dimmick, Warm Springs/Bishop Paiute/Miwok, Modoc, Yakima
- Bernice Gray, Salish/Gros Ventre
- Heather Gurko, Tlingit
- Mika Jira, Tulalip/Crow
- Kali Joseph, Tulalip
- Heather Long, Siletz
- Andrew Joseph Martinez, Tohono O’odham/Yaqui/Digueño
- Adrienne Moat, Quileute
- Renea Perry, Tlingit
- Chris Rempel, Kalapuya/Chinook/Klamath/Hawaiian
- Amanda Squiemphen-Yazzie, Warm Springs Faron Scissons, Rosebud Sioux
- Katie Staton, Tsimshian/Sitka Tribes of Alaska
- Grace Stratton, Yakama
- Selina Washington, Siletz/Yakama
- Chandra Wilson, Klamath-Modoc
Below are exciting professional updates from recent LEAD Alumni:
- Leah Altman (Lakota, LEAD ’14) joined Verde as their Development Director to help raise resources and funds for their work. Verde builds environmental wealth through social enterprise, outreach and advocacy. Verde is a longstanding partner of NAYA, through initiatives like the Living Cully partnership, Climate Justice Collaborative and Connect with Nature Project.
- Amber Faist (Coquille, LEAD ’17) is the Oregon Native American Chamber’s new Marketing and Business Intake Coordinator. Amber will work with NAYA and other partners to connect Native small business owners to programs and services through Prosper Portland’s Small Business Technical Assistance Partnership (SBTAP) Program.
- Lluvia Merello (Inca, LEAD ’17) recently accepted the position of the Portland Just Energy Transition (PJET) Collaborative Organizer. PJET is focused on building a Portland citywide model to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote economic opportunities for Native Americans, other communities of color and low income people. Lluvia continues to serve on Governor Brown’s Foster Care Advisory Commission.
- Sky Waters (Osage, LEAD ’16) became NAYA’s Community Development team’s first Business Innovation Coordinator. Sky will work with ONAC, Prosper Portland and other partners to help Native business owners succeed in their business goals. Originally from Madison, WI, Sky has been a member of the Portland Urban Indian Community for almost five years. Shortly after moving to Portland, Sky began volunteering with NAYA through its volunteer tax site, and was an active participant of NAYA’s Community Leaders Council.
If you are a LEAD alum and would like to share any exciting updates with us, or if you have questions about the LEAD Program, please contact Cary Watters (Tlingit), Community Engagement Manager, at or 503.288.8177, ext. 331.