Envision the Next 40 Years
(Update January 24th – This round of the survey is now closed but stay tuned for more information on results!)
In 1974, parent and Elder volunteers came together to form the Native American Youth and Family Center. That’s the spirit of the Native community: combining our diverse strengths to create a path forward. As we enter our 41st year of sustaining tradition and providing vital services to our community, we are taking a big step toward planning our collective future.
Every month at NAYA, the Portland Youth and Elders Council gathers to identify and address community priorities. This week, we launched a community-driven effort to strategically plan our next steps as an organization, and we want your participation!
We’re asking our community members and partners to click here to take a quick survey and help us better understand the priorities and challenges in our community This survey will only be open until January 23 and will immediately inform the rest of the process.
We’ll also be gathering community input with online surveys, forums, and focus groups. NAYA’s staff and Board of Directors, and information we gain from our interactions with clients, will also inform the process.
Please take a few minutes to take the survey, and share on social media and with your friends and family. Paper versions of this survey are available at NAYA’s front desk and in the Elders’ Room.
The 2016-2019 Strategic Longhouse will be finalized before September of this year.